Regina Montana

Writing for Children

What's it all about?

Welcome to my writing website! I’m so glad you found time to stop by. For about the last 14 years I have been on a journey of writing for children. This site will give you an idea of some poems, short pieces, art work and picture book manuscripts that I have written. I hope you may be inspired by some of the quotations and books I mention to start your own adventure. 

Each of us has the ability to be creative, in big and small ways.

And ideas are everywhere!

Like the day I was helping chaperone a class picnic with my daughter at Congress Park in Saratoga Springs. Her second graders had just gotten ice cream from a local store when a baseball game started up. One boy placed his cone on the ground to join the game. Suddenly, down the tree came this squirrel who grabbed the cone, scurried back up and enjoyed the treat of his life. I grabbed my phone, captured the culprit in the act and a poem was born.

Or the day I opened the newspaper in 2020 to read about a Sulcata tortoise named Daisy who had gone missing twice during Hurricane Laura in Louisiana. She was later rescued with the help of the Louisiana National Guard and was reunited with her owner, Keith Greenlee. I was inspired to write a fictional account of what happened and a picture book was born. I have been in touch with Mr. Greenlee and I hope to meet him one day when I visit Lake Charles and the tortoise farm where Daisy now lives. And I find that turtles show up when I least expect them. Maybe it's a sign from the universe. I hope so!

I invite you to head over to my About Me page to read more about how I got started and a few interesting things about my hometown of Croton-on-Hudson, New York.

My Articles and Poems

The Kinglet Bird

By Regina Montana

Published in Phoenix English Magazine

April 2022

I’m called a Kinglet.

Have you ever seen me?

I make funny sounds.

Tsee, tsee, tsee, tsee, tsee.

I’m the tiniest bird

that perches in trees.

When winters are frigid,

I try not to freeze.

My gold crest looks flashy

and feels quite regal

although I’m not famous

like the bald eagle.

I love tasty insects

and forage non-stop.

Wait, a caterpillar!

Yum. Yum. Hop, hop, hop.

At night I tuck my head

in feathers so deep

and huddle with my friends

so I can find sleep.

Sometimes a squirrel leaves

his nest in a tree.

It’s empty. I’m so cold.

Please don’t tell on me!

Although I’m tiny,

I feel like a star.

Just follow your dreams,

And you’ll go far.

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My Musings

Miracle at the Grocery Store

One day last week I was checking out at a local grocery store. The young man asked how I was and I replied the usual "Fine, Thanks."  When I asked how he was, he replied "I'm Radiant, thank you!"  I could hardly believe my ears.  I had to pursue this and asked, "Why are you able to use such a beautiful word?"  He told me that the sun in the morning and people, just people make him feel radiant." I asked if he was a student and his only reply was that he tries to learn something new every day.  I wanted to learn more and we then veered off into the spiritual. The Lord was mentioned when we talked about serving others. The gentleman behind me was anxious to get his food items processed so I knew I had to go.  I definitely need to look for him again and see what other wisdom he can impart.

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Ideas are Everywhere

Say You’re Sorry Sunny

his story came about when Sunny was staying at her grandparents’ home. One day she sniffed aromas in the kitchen that she could not resist. No one was around! Perfect, she thought. I’ll just grab onto that paper towel on the ledge and see what happens. Hmm. Sunny had never smelled such a delicacy. Down came the bacon and off she ran with the spoils of her victory.

Soon after I confronted her as I discovered what had happened.

“Say you’re sorry, Sunny!” was all I could say.

Not a word. Can dogs express remorse or act sorry? And so this picture book story was born. Tune in to a rhyming picture book that hopefully will happen one day.

Maddie’s New Tea Party

Please Mr. Paws